5 Chinese auditors accredited as ISSAI FACILITATOR
Updated: 2014-01-08   

5 auditors of the CNAO have successfully completed the ISSAI Certification Programmes and have been jointly accredited as ISSAI FACILITATOR by the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) with the certificates.

The list of these ISSAI Facilitators is as follows:

Mr. WANG Wei, CNAO's Shenyang Resident Office

Ms. WU Hao, CNAO's Wuhan Resident Office

Mr. XIAO Hao, CNAO's Construction Audit Office

Mr. SHU Wending, CNAO's Department of Enterprise Audit

Ms. LI Xia, CNAO's Department of Legal Affairs.

ISSAI Certification Programme has been an intensive programme for developing auditors knowledge and skills in understanding ISSAIs, using ISSAI Compliance Assessment tools and facilitating ISSAI implementation in SAIs. These accredited ISSAI Facilitators will be expected to play an active role in carrying out ISSAI implementation activities in the CNAO as key resources. Furthermore, they will also be available for supporting ISSAI implementation activities at the regional and international level.