Deputy Auditor General Mr. Yuan Ye attends Annual Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on IT Audit
Updated: 2016-09-07    Soure:Department of International Cooperation

Mr. Yuan Ye, Deputy Auditor General of China National Audit Office, attended the annual meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on IT Audit in Brasilia, Brazil from 26th to 27th April, 2016.

Meeting was hosted by the Court of Accounts of Brazil, with 66 participants from 26 SAIs as well as AFROSAI-E, IDI, ISACA and OLASEF, as the observers.

The meeting was chaired byMs.AjantaDayalan,DeputyComptrollerand AuditorGeneralofIndiaand representative of the working group chair.

As the team leaderof working groups Project 4: Development of Data Interface Standard for Accounting Software, participant from SAI China made the final report of the project, which was adopted by the working group.

During the meeting, the working group work plan(2017-2022) was discussed and Draft Report for the XXII INCOSAI to be held atAbu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in December2016, was finalized.