CNAO's Deputy Auditor General (Chief Quality Officer) Pays Official Visit to Viet Nam and Cambodia
Updated: 2017-06-22   

At the invitation of Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV), Dr. Ho Duc Phoc and Auditor General of National Audit Authority of Cambodia (NAA), Her Excellency Kim Suor Som, Deputy Auditor General (Chief Quality Officer)of National Audit Office of China (CNAO), Li Xiaozhong, paid an official visit to Viet Nam and Cambodia from 18-25, May, 2015.

The Chinese delegation exchanged experiences of government audit, national auditing standards, audit quality control with Vietnamese and Cambodian colleagues.   

The host and visitors spoke positively of the outcomes of the trip, and expressed their willingness to further enhance mutual exchanges.